Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Goodbye my beautiful Leelu, My best friend. I will never forget you nor be the same without you.

My beautiful sweet amazing kitty, was diagnosed with feline leukemia and will be euthanized tomorrow.  I am besides myself with grief.  I will never be the same.  I love you so much Leelu, and im just glad I got to give you 4 months of love.  I wish I had known that you were sick the whole time, but I cannot control that I was told you were totally healthy when I got you.  That wasn't true, but it does take 6 weeks for Leukemia to show on tests, and vaccines can fail in sickly or very young kittens.

My heart is broken.
I am done.


  1. What sad news. I'm sorry honey. She's SUCH a cutie and totally reminds me of a beloved Kittie (main coon!) I had and lost years ago. I still do grieve for her, but I try to smile when I think of her. I just wanted to tell you that I lived through it and you will too--with the support of loving friends. I DO remember when you got her and you surely gave your whole self to loving her.
    I'm so sorry.

  2. I'm really sorry to hear about your kitty. I remember when I lost Sabby. That broke my heart in two for years. Gods speed to her that her journey to the forever land be safe and see her well.

  3. *hugs*
    I'm so sorry about your gorgeous kitty. I know how that absolutely breaks you. I'm sure you gave her a wonderful 4 months, and I hope you'll be able to remember that with happiness later. For now, I'll be thinking of you. *hugssupertight*
    Please take care of yourself.

  4. thank you all who commented for your support. This has been truly a heartbreaking time, and has put my life interests in perspective. Thank you leelu for teaching me how to truly love even if the price in the end is heartbreak. I wouldn't have traded having you in my life for those four months for anything.

    I miss you leelu!
