Friday, December 24, 2010

xmas and kitten named Leelu "Little Bite"

Im a fool,

Im very loved.  I had an amazing experience with my family when they came over to bring me some of the most amazing christmas presents.  I felt very loved.  I dont have words for the way it made me feel.

Im still struggling but this helped a lot. 

They got me a new flute.  I have played the flute since i was in 4th grade.  I had private lessons an everything.  I was really good at it. 

They got me a new teddy bear made by build a bear workshop.  It is adorable.  I will try to take a picture sometime. 

They got me several other things, i wont go down the list but suffice to say im loved.

Also my kitten came home from the Shelter, and she is the joy of my heart.  She is a part tabby part tortoise kitten who is two months old  She is the sweetest most loving docile wonderful amazing kitten one could ever want.  I have a few pics i will post later. She is such a darling.  Her name is Leelu "Little Bite"

Be Well


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got such lovely presents and a kitty. Our kitty is loving Xmas and is in to everything. She's the tinsel queen! Hope you continue to have a lovely Xmas :)
